Snowbee XS Sub-Surface Intermediate Fly Lines

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Ab 69,99 €


  • Colour: Aqua
  • Sink Rate: 2.5 ips
  • Line Weights: WF 5/6/7/8

Combining the original Kelly Blue and Clear Intermediate into one fly line has produced a fly line of effortless, slick casting ability, being exactly the same as the traditional XS floating in profile. Distance and prestentation are therefore guaranteed, at a sink rate ideal to reliably search the water from the surface down, epecially with lures, damsels and other mobile patterns. A hugely versatile line, great for loch style fishing from the boat or accurately expoloring all holding spots from the bank, without the need for a massive clear back-cast when space is tight. Great in the wind too in a neutral Aqua shade, to hunt beneath the surface and find fish cruising or holding lower down but not necessarily on the bottom.

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